Your client may require a different approach depending on their needs. For instance, they may value speed over thoroughness, publicity over targeted influence, comprehensive control over self-regulation, objectivity over subjectivity, impeccable adherence to standards over the introduction of new mechanisms to optimize familiar processes and create new products. These are just a few of the many questions that need to be answered to build a company's reputation.
For example, it would be beneficial for public sector financial institutions to develop a reputation as a reliable and unflappable institution, while it would be advantageous for a micro financial institution to be fast and non-selective.
Mark Mons offers a comprehensive range of project management and marketing services to businesses. Our services include:- Marketing research
- Brand and trademark creation
- Brand platform formation
- Creation and integration of websites, social networks, other tools of influence and interaction with clients
- Creation and launching of advertising campaigns
- Conducting sociological and consumer surveys
- Integration and optimization of marketing tools with sales
To request a free consultation, please complete the feedback form. Best Regards, Mark Mons.